Ratified January 18, 1991
Review #1: November 6, 2000
Review #2: November 09, 2000
Review #3: November 13, 2000
Review #4: October 27, 2009
Review#5: January 22, 2010
Ratified #6 April 23, 2010
Ratified #7 April 29, 2011
Article I – Name
The name of the association shall be the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind.
Article II – Purposes
The purpose-of the NCASB shall be:
- To foster broad programs in interschool activities which are consistent with the educational aims and objectives of the member schools.
- To assist member schools in extending and enriching their program of interschool activities based upon the needs, interests, and capabilities of the individual student.
- To stimulate the development of quality leadership in interschool programs.
- To foster programs which will encourage excellence in performance.
- To maintain the spirit of play within competitive events so that the concomitant educational values of such an experience are emphasized.
- To increase public understanding and appreciation of the importance and value of conference activities as they contribute to the life of an individual who is Visually Impaired.
- To further the continual evaluation of standards and policies for participants and programs.
- To hold championships and to sponsor conferences, institutes, and meetings which will meet the needs of individuals and member schools.
- To cooperate with other professional groups with similar interests for the ultimate development of activities and opportunities for individuals with Visual Impairments.
- To conduct such other activities as shall be approved by the Governing Authority of the association.
Article III – Membership
- The NCASB shall consist of current school members who are willing to support the purposes as set forth in this constitution. The classes of membership, together with the voting and other rights accruing to each, are set forth in the Bylaws.
- The NCASB shall assess such dues from membership as necessary to support the stated purposes of the organization.
Article IV – Governing Authority
The NCASB shall be governed by a Governing Authority. The composition of the Governing Authority shall be the Superintendent or designated delegate of each member school. The Governing Authority shall act within the framework of this Constitution and their responsibility shall be set forth in the Bylaws.
Article V – Officers
The NCASB shall have officers as designated in the bylaws.
Article VI – Bylaws
The NCASB may adopt bylaws which shall be consistent with the Constitution by a two-thirds majority of the votes received after all member schools are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in person, mail or e-mail.
Article VII – Amendments
The Constitution and Bylaws can be amended, and new bylaws adopted, following the procedures listed below:
- The proposed amendments must be an agenda item at a business meeting.
- A quorum of a simple majority of the total active membership must be present at this meeting, and amendments will be approved by a two-thirds majority of the votes received after all member schools are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in person, mail or e-mail.
- The proposed amendments will be read, discussed, and written in final form at this meeting.
- A copy of the proposed amendments and minutes of said meeting must be distributed to all member schools thirty days prior to the meeting where the final vote is scheduled.
- The proposed amendments to be voted on must be an agenda item at the following business meeting.
- Each proposed amendment must be voted upon separately at this business meeting.
The voting for each amendment will be done by roll call. Roll call includes absentee ballots.
I. Membership
A. Membership Eligibility
Open to schools serving school-age children with visual impairments which sponsor interschool athletic or activity programs which are willing to abide by the policies of NCASB and its Constitution and Bylaws.
Schools wishing to become members of the NCASB must submit, in writing, a petition requesting such to the Governing Authority thirty days before any conference business meeting. This petition will be placed on the agenda of that business meeting.
The petitioning school shall send a representative from their school to the meeting to present information concerning size, athletic programs, philosophy, and other pertinent information.
Admission will be voted on at the next business meeting by a two-thirds majority of the votes received after all active member schools are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in person or by mail or email
B. Current Membership
The 13-member state schools are: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
Schools are considered active when all annual dues/penalties are paid
Active member schools are entitled to the following privileges:
- One vote in the NCASB Governing Authority.
- Participation in NCASB sponsored events.
- Access to the NCASB.org website including Handbook, Constitution, Bylaws, rules, directory and password protected material.
C. Membership – Inactive
- Membership shall be considered inactive when a school fails to pay membership dues or sends a written statement signed by the superintendent of their intention to be placed on inactive status. This written statement must be sent to the President and Executive Secretary by October 20th of that year. Failure to have dues postmarked by October 15th or without prior approval from the Secretary/Treasurer and/or President will result in an additional charge of $50.00. After three years of inactive member status, a school becomes a non-member and at that point must reapply according to the Constitution to become a member.
- A member school which becomes inactive for non-payment of dues shall not be eligible for participation in conference activities, including voting at business meetings. Payment of dues and any other outstanding charges shall reactivate their membership.
D. Membership – Termination
Membership may be withdrawn by the Governing Authority as a result of violations of the policies and procedures stated in the Constitution, Bylaws, or Handbook. Schools under consideration for membership termination will be provided an opportunity to defend themselves via in person or in written form. A two thirds majority of the votes received, after all member schools are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in person or by mail, is required to terminate membership of a member school.
E. Membership – Reinstatement
Membership privileges may be reinstated by the Governing Authority when the inactive or terminated school agrees to abide by the penalty assessed and shows evidence of having corrected the situation which caused the withdrawal of privileges.
II. Dues
- Dues are set by the Governing Authority
- Dues are to cover costs incurred by the Association as approved by the governing authority. Upon receipt of an invoice to be sent out first week in May, dues are to be postmarked by October 15th to the Association and sent to the secretary/Treasurer.
- Failure to postmark dues by October 15th without prior approval from the Secretary/Treasurer and/or President will result in an additional charge of $50.00.
III. Governing Authority Powers
The Governing Authority serves as the decision-making body for member schools and provides guidance and structure for NCASB policies.
B. Duties
- Shall supervise the affairs of NCASB.
- Shall establish guidelines for the administration of NCASB business.
- Shall formulate policies.
- Shall approve or take other action on the projected budget submitted to it by the Secretary/Treasurer.
- Shall perform other duties that are specified elsewhere in these Bylaws and are usually assumed by such a governing body.
C. Structure
The Governing Authority shall be composed of a voting representative from each school, who is designated as that school’s Superintendent or a designee of that school, so stated by a letter from the Superintendent. This voting delegate/designee will have the power to vote on policies/procedures of the NCASB. Changes to the constitution, and bylaws require approval of two-thirds majority of all active member schools that are provided with an opportunity to cast their vote in person, mail or e-mail.
D. Meetings
- The Governing Authority shall meet regularly in conjunction with Conference Tournament for Track and Field, Wrestling and Cheerleading and Swimming and Forensics and as called by an officer.
- Meetings shall be presided over by the President. In the event the President is absent, the following persons would preside in the successive order listed below:
- Vice President
- Immediate Past President
- Delegate Assembly Elected Person
- Secretary Treasurer
- Agenda Items:
- Matters will be brought to the attention of the Governing Authority by the individual schools’
- By a request, at least thirty (30) days prior to a scheduled meeting, from any party for permission to appear on the business meeting agenda. This request should be submitted by the Superintendent or designee of a member school.
- Coaches, students, and staff may request to appear on the business meeting agenda. This request must be directed to the President of the association at least 30 days prior to a scheduled meeting.
E. Voting
- Only a Superintendent or designated voting delegate shall vote.
- A two-thirds vote of the delegates casting ballots will determine action on constitution and bylaws.
- At NCASB Conference Championship a quorum will be defined as a simple majority of the registered active member schools and shall be necessary to establish the Governing Authority in order to conduct business requiring a vote at the meeting.
- At the annual NCASB Athletic Directors meeting a quorum will be defined as a minimum of five representatives from active member schools.
- The Governing Authority reserves the right and privilege to go into an Executive Session.
- Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be followed.
IV. Officers
The officers of the NCASB, that make up the Executive Board, shall be the President, Vice-President (President-Elect, and the Secretary/Treasurer.
A. Nominating
- The nominating committee shall consist of three representatives appointed by the President.
- The committee may nominate no more than two candidates for each office. A person must agree to have their name placed in nomination and to serve if elected.
- The committee shall only nominate persons for the office of Vice-President, except when there is a vacancy in both the office of the President and Vice-President.
B. Election
- Officers will be elected by secret ballot from the voting delegates who make up the Governing Authority.
- To eliminate the possibility of a tie, the President will vote when an even number of voting delegates are present.
- Officers will be elected bi-annually at the business meeting in conjunction with the Wrestling/Cheerleading Tournament.
- A simple majority of votes will determine the winner.
- The ballots shall be counted by the Secretary/Treasurer and an appointee of the President.
- The President may not succeed himself/herself, nor may any officer hold two offices at the same time.
C. Term of Office
- The term of office shall be for two years from the end of the Wrestling-Cheerleading Tournament at which the person(s) are elected.
- Newly-elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the final session of the NCASB Wrestling-Cheerleading Tournament at which they are elected.
D. Succession of Officers
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall serve out the remaining term of the President, and shall appoint a Vice President to serve a like period. This appointment shall be ratified at the next Business Meeting of the Governing Authority. If the remaining term of a President is one year or less, this President may stand for election to the office of President at the regularly scheduled meeting for elections. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, the President shall appoint a Vice-President.
- If a vacancy occurs in both the office of President and the office of Vice President, the Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as President until the next Business Meeting of the Governing Authority at which time an election shall be held to fill the offices.
- Officers so elected may stand for election to the same office at the regularly scheduled meeting for election, provided this term of office served is one year or less.
E. Duties
- President
- Shall serve as Executive Officer of NCASB within the parameters established by these Bylaws and the parliamentary authority adopted by NCASB.
- Shall coordinate and interpret all activities of the NCASB.
- Shall preside at meetings of the Governing Authority.
- Shall have authority to call special meetings of the Governing Authority.
- Shall appoint a parliamentarian and all committees necessary to operate the business of the association.
- Shall appoint a Secretary/Treasurer.
- After October 20th and upon notice from the NCASB Secretary/Treasurer, the president shall notify the Superintendent, Principal and Athletic Director of each school with unpaid fees regarding their inactive status.
- Vice President
- Shall serve in absence of the President, and shall be considered President-Elect. The Nominating Committee shall consider this when preparing the Slate of Officers, as described in Article III.
- Shall review, update, and coordinate all changes within the Conference Handbook, including the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules for all conference activities. The Vice President shall distribute these changes to NCASB member schools. These revisions shall be published every two years.
- Secretary/Treasurer (an appointed position which is stipend)
- Shall be responsible for minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and the Governing Authority.
- Shall send minutes of the meetings to each voting delegate and the Superintendent of each member school.
- Shall serve as financial officer and keeper of the records of the NCASB.
- Shall orient all officers and appropriate NCASB personnel to the financial operation of the NCASB.
- Shall prepare and submit a financial statement all expenditures and income for the fiscal year January 1-December 31 to the Executive Board and Governing Authority at Wrestling/Cheerleading business meeting.
- Shall submit a treasurer’s report at every business meeting.
- Shall purchase all medals, trophies, etc.
- Shall, with association funds, as directed by the Executive Board, pay all debts incurred by the Association.
- Shall send an invoice of membership dues to each member school, as indicated in the Bylaws.
- Shall notify all schools that remain unpaid as of September 15th and forward this list to the President.
- Shall send a list of delinquent schools after October 20th to the President for notification to each school.
F. Removal from Office
- A request for removal of any officer may be made by a simple majority vote of the Governing Authority.
- Any Executive Officer may be removed by two-thirds vote of the Governing Authority.
V. Activity Committees
The activities of the NCASB are divided into three major functions, as depicted below:
A. Management
- Finance
- Public Relations
- Fundraising
- Eligibility
- Other
B. Extracurricular
- Athletics
- Track and Field*
- Swimming*
- Wrestling*
- Cheerleading*
- Other
- Activities
- Forensics*
- Recreation*
- Goal Ball*
- Bowling*
- Music*
- Special Olympics*
- Other
- Educational
- Administration
- Elementary
- Secondary
- Vocational
- Multiple Disabilities
- Dual Sensory Impairments
- Other
(* = Current NCASB Athletics and Activities)
Each of the three categories may have a committee consisting of one representative from each member school. These committees may meet in conjunction with conference tournaments.
VI. Student-Athlete
A Student-Athlete Eligibility
To be eligible for the NCASB Championship tournaments, students must be in at least the 7th grade and/or 14 years of age, up to 20 years of age as of September 1st of the current school year.
B Student-Athlete Behavior
It is the policy of the NCASB that each school is responsible for the supervision, behavior, safety, and needs of its own students and staff.
NCASB Constitution 4/29/2011 (Word Version)